Kevin Berlin: "Meet The Artist" | Social Life Magazine 2014
Social Life Magazine presents an exclusive interview with our art editor and multi-talented artist Kevin Berlin. Giovanni Rossi: In the...

Kevin Berlin Marries Snow White | Hamptons Art Hub
PALM SPRINGS - Artist Kevin Berlin is known for appearing at art fairs and at his exhibitions with swarms of orbiting models, for...

Art Fair Opens With Fairy Tale Wedding | The Desert Sun
PALM SPRINGS - Artist Kevin Berlin had his bachelor party in Brussels last month and on Thursday during the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair...

Artist Kevin Berlin Will Marry... | Palm Springs Fine Art Fair
In what appears to be the first ever wedding ceremony at an art fair, the international artist, who just flew in from Italy, will tie the...

Artist's Work Appears In The White House | CBS Television News
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. – It started in 1983. “I won the Presidential Scholarship, the highest award given to a graduating high school...