PALM SPRINGS, Calif. – It started in 1983. “I won the Presidential Scholarship, the highest award given to a graduating high school senior, and I got to meet President Reagan in the White House,” artist Kevin Berlin said.Since then, Berlin served on the Presidential Scholarship Foundation board.“President Clinton at the White House, First Lady Clinton received an award I designed, a bronze sculpture. I met President Bush,” Berlin said.He met four presidents, except the one headed to Palm Springs.“What I’m really hoping is to have a chance to chat with President Obama,” he said. After all, Berlin’s artwork and President Obama share a home.“I’m not sure the exact location now. First Lady Hillary Clinton brought me into her office at the time and it was a bronze eagle feather in an ink well,” Berlin said.You can see Berlin’s art all over the world, from New York, to London to Shanghai, but this is the first time you’ll see it in Palm Springs.“It took me ages. The last time I was in Palm Springs was 1989. It was quite a while ago, so I love the chance to re-embrace California,” he said. Also, preach a message he holds dear to his heart.“The voice of the President is the strongest voice. If the President steps behind the arts, things can change and will change and the arts will get some important support they need,” he added.Regarding whether or not he might meet President Obama, “I’ve made a few phone calls,” Berlin said.
CBS Television News & KESQ News Channel 3 © 2014 Artist's work appears in the White House by Bianca Rae
Original Source: http://www.art-palmsprings.com/contemporary-modern-art-exhibit-success/